Luchamos contra la negligencia del conductor del camión.
On Texas roads each year, thousands of people die from injuries they suffered in semi-truck accidents.
If you or someone you care about has been in a crash involving an 18-wheeler, you know how steeply the odds are stacked against you. A fully-loaded rig can weigh up to 80,000 pounds — easily 20 times heavier than a typical passenger vehicle.

Fatalities in big-rig accidents are roughly double those for passenger vehicles — and for a reason. The extra mass of the truck translates into immense force that can crush almost anything — or anyone — in its path.
A Goudarzi & Young we fight for hardworking Texans who have been injured in 18-wheeler accidents. We understand how to investigate these accidents and can hold truck drivers and their employers accountable for the injuries and deaths they cause.
We represent clients who suffer from a wide range of catastrophic truck-accident injuries, including:
- Muerte injusta
- Lesiones cerebrales, incluida la lesión cerebral traumática (TMI)
- Lesiones de la médula espinal
- Parálisis
- Amputaciones
- Quemaduras
- Desfiguración
Truckers can permanently change the lives of the people they injure. You have the right to expect that they will drive responsibly.
Nuestra Abogados de accidentes de 18 ruedas no tienen miedo de ir tras los camioneros, sus empleadores y sus las compañías de seguros. We want to make sure you get the compensation you need to pay your medical bills, rehabilitation costs, future medical care and any other damages to your person or property. Put simply, we do not take “no” for an answer.